Established in 2017, MICRO makes it easy and affordable for businesses to enhance their customer value proposition and unlock new annuity revenue streams.

Our purpose is to design simple-to-understand products and use smart technology to make insurance accessible to everyone. We integrate into existing distribution channels to allow rapid deployment of insurance products at scale, at the lowest possible cost.

MICRO provides retailers, brokers, affinities, and niche groups with plug-and-play insurance solutions. Our partners can embed cover in existing customer journeys or use our intuitive digital interfaces to onboard customers.

Unlock your distribution power

The MICRO approach transcends barriers that impede traditional insurers’ ability to innovate. Our approach to technology and product design centers on giving customers an exceptional user experience that removes friction from the delivery and servicing of relevant insurance products.

The efficiencies we create are proven to support multiple commercial models and ensure each party in the value chain benefits from smart systems and low operating costs.

Let MICRO help you realise the insurance
distribution power of your existing customer base.

Why partner with us?

Our partners

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